As per the National Journal, Florida Governor Rick Scott and the federal government are still sparing off about Medicaid.
Governor Scott has argued in the past he does not want Florida taxpayers to fork over the money for the expanded Medicare program under Obamacare. The Governor and other Republicans throughout the state are also not exactly fans of Obamacare either.Scott said back in September, 2014:
While [the federal government] spend[s] 100 percent, I’m not going to stand in the way of the federal government doing something. What I’m not willing to do is put Florida taxpayers on the hook. . . I’ve been very consistent and let’s all remember that ObamaCare is an absolute bad bill for patients, for families, for employers, for employees.
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Known best for being the former CEO of the nation’s largest hospital chain, Rick Scott is very familiar with health insurance.
In regards to the latest riff, Scott released a statement that blamed the Obama administration’s posturing in the continuing negotiations over a Medicaid funding stream.
Given that the federal government said they would not fund the federal LIP program to the level it is funded today, it would be hard to understand how the state could take on even more federal programs that CMS could scale back or walk away from.
The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have said the LIP program won’t be renewed when it expires in June.