Senator Marco Rubio may need to take a step back and reconsider who his friends really are, this after one of his so-called ‘amigas,’ Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, just threw him under the political “Wawa” (Cuban speak for bus), again.
Wasserman Schultz has now pulled out her Democrat Party playbook Thesaurus to find another synonym for her favorite term, ‘extremist, which she uses at nauseum to describe those who she considers to be her foes.Wasserman Schultz is once again calling Rubio a right-wing militant wackjob for not agreeing with her and President Obama’s socialist views and agenda for America.
The congresswoman from Weston, Florida, is now using the term ‘zealot’ to describe her ‘friend’ Rubio, who she is accusing of pushing for another government shutdown(not the first time).
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Where is the love Debbie?
Since Rubio won his Senate race in 2010, Wasserman Schultz has referred to him as “sinister” and an “extremist” who backs tea party principles, but still says that she and Rubio “have a nice relationship.”I have a nice relationship with Marco. – Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
Sticks and stones.
Rubio has never really paid attention to the words that are coming out of her mouth, dismissing her attacks against him as just ‘Debbie being Debbie,’ and that “she is just doing her job.”
In glancing over more synonyms for the term extremist, we come across some other words, such as radical and bigot, that ‘DWS’ has used, and continues to use to describe those who oppose her views.
Here are those synonyms we came across:Fanatic, enthusiast, radical, extremist, young Turk, diehard, true believer, activist, militant; bigot dogmatist, sectarian, partisan; or informally, fiend, maniac, ulta, nut, eager beaver
Now, you know Rubio will take of the gloves the minute Wasseman Schultz starts referring to him as an eager beaver. Them is fighting words.