by Javier Manjarres
The possible formation of an Islamic Republican club in Broward County is generating a controversy that has reached a fever pitch and attracted national media attention. Nezar Hamze, the CAIR Florida Director sat down for an interview with the Shark Tank to discuss the his recent application to join the local county Republican Party as well as to talk about his support for the Constitution of the United States. Hamze says that both Chairman Richard DeNapoli and Vice Chairwoman Colleen Stolberg appear to be receptive of his application and his joining of the local Republican Party.“We (Muslims) want to protect the Constitution, because the Constitution protects us“-Nezar Hamze, CAIR Florida
Hamze also states that Sharia Law “doesn’t belong here”, here being the United States of America, and that he does not want Shariah to replace the the U.S. Constitution. In addition, Hamze explained that the Florida Muslim community has formed the Florida Muslim Congress whose purpose is to exclusively address National Security issues that confront the criminal and radical elements within Islam. Hamze acknowledges that there are extremists amongst Muslims, and the Florida Muslim Congress was set up to work with law enforcement and help protect the Muslim community as well as the rest of the nation.
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However, there is still widespread fear that radical Islam, through Muslim organizations like CAIR, will really be wolves in sheep’s clothing whose purpose is to undermine the very same U.S. Constitution that Hamze says he and his fellow Muslims defend.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Shark Tank interview with Hamze.
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