He’s lagging at the back of the pack in all the 2020 presidential public opinions polls, but former HUD Secretary Julian Castro still has plenty of time to make run for the top spot currently being held by former Vice President Joe Biden, who still has not announced whether he will make a run for the presidency.
Castro has been playing it safe, taking measured shots at Trump at opportune times, and not letting those campaign barbs overshadow his overall efforts.Castro recently appeared on MSNBC where he agreed with 19 Homeland Security employees that have gone on record of saying that ICE was not working. Castro stated that he agreed with them, and that ICE needed to be reconstituted, adding that the government agency needed to be overhauled to “respect human beings.”
“I agree with that. We need to reconstitute ICE.”-Julian Castro
.@JulianCastro: "We need to reconstitute ICE" pic.twitter.com/q6s3ZfnwtC
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