During the 2018 mid-term election cycle, over three dozen Republican incumbent members of the U.S. House of Representatives decided to call it quits, for whatever reason.
Democrats were able to capitalize on the mass GOP exodus from U.S. House of Representatives, and gain the majority in House, allowing Rep. Nancy Pelosi to once again take control of the gavel.Now the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is looking to take back some of those seats by putting out a 55 person ‘hit list’ of seats they will be targeting in the 2020 presidential election.
“Freedom or socialism – that’s the choice in 2020,” said NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer. “Whether they are calling for open borders, refusing to denounce rampant anti-Semitism, advocating for a 90% tax rate or moving to legalize the murder of newborn babies, the new socialist Democrats are pushing an extreme agenda that is sorely out-of-touch.
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Strong words, yes, but can Republicans move the needle just enough to win back the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives?
One of the most vulnerable seats for Democrats is New Mexico’s Republican-leaning 2nd congressional district, which is held by Rep. Xochitl Torres Small (D).Here is the ‘hit list’ as it pertains to Florida, Arizona, Texas, South Carolina, and Georgia.
AZ-01 – Tom O’Halleran
AZ-02 – Ann Kirkpatrick
FL-07 – Stephanie Murphy
FL-13 – Charlie CristFL-26 – Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
FL-27 – Donna Shalala
GA-06 – Lucy McBath
SC-01 – Joe Cunningham
TX-07 – Lizzie FletcherTX-32 – Colin Allred