The antics within the Broward Republican Executive Committee (BREC) never cease to amaze anyone. With secret meetings to oust past chairman, posting false and defamatory websites against its members, targeting members with concocting false police reports , and trying to stack elections within the body, it was a matter of time before the powers that be would cross the line.
Once again, the Broward GOP has embarrassed the entire statewide Republican Party.Prior to the 2018 mid-term elections, a formal grievance with the Republican Party of Florida was been filed against three members of the Broward GOP.
The grievance alleges that these three individuals broke “for violations of the Loyalty Oaths and for conduct that is conflict with their role as a BREC member/office” by selling Republicans lists (most likely to include the BREC membership list) to Democrats.
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These three members were accused of trying to sell Republican under “Praetorian Consulting” with the business address being listed to be in Parkland, Florida.
***The Broward Republican Executive Committee (BREC) has not engaged in the selling of emails or contact information from its database***
The address in question is the home address of one of the accused.The complaint came about when the Democratic candidate in question, who decided not to execute the deal with Republicans, emailed a prominent Republican leader to make him/her aware of the solicitation.
We have the email.
In addition, the grievance also addresses the fact that the BREC openly endorsed a known Democrat over a known Republican in a judicial race.
We spoke to Chairman George Moraitis several weeks back about why his group endorsed a Democrat over a Republican. Moralities affirmed the decision, stating that the decision was made to endorse after “the attorneys” recommended it.
Moraitis did not say who the attorneys were.This is the same group that welcomed Broward County Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie to speak.
Here is the opening of the grievance: (as best we could, we redacted the names to protect the accused identities)

RPOF Greivance/ Shark Tank
Here is the email in which one of the accused solicits and confirms to the Democratic candidate a price for the email list.
“I will not actively, publicly, or financially support the election of any candidate other than the Republican Candidate in a partisan unitary, general or special election, or a registered Republican in non-partisan elections, other than Judicial races governed under chapter 105, Florida Statutes, if there is a registered Republican running for the same office. Further, in a contested Republican primary election…”
Furious and in disbelief upon hearing of the grievance, RPOF Chairman Blaise Ingoglia told the Shark Tank that he and the state party saw this as a serious offense, and that they would move swiftly on expediting a hearing in this case.