Right off his primary win, Governor Rick Scott is on his way to the November midterm elections where he will try to unseat Senator Bill Nelson. However, first, the Governor made a stop to meet with Mitch McConnell. The main concern discussed was the growing issue of toxic algae that is flooding the coasts of the sunshine state, and Governor Scott argued in favor of funding for a water project that would aid in the fight to tackle this growing concern.
Also, Governor Scott continued to stress his support for Brett Kavanaugh’s entry into the Supreme Court. The hearing’s begin next week, and Senator Bill Nelson has not commented on whether or not he would vote in favor or against Kavanaugh.
After the meeting, Governor Scott’s office released a statement, detailing that “The Governor expressed the importance of Congress quickly advancing and funding the (Everglades Agricultural Area) reservoir, a project he has fought for so more water can be stored south of Lake Okeechobee, alleviating the need for harmful federal discharges that cause algal blooms. In July, following meetings with the governor, the White House approved the EAA reservoir project and it was transmitted to Congress, where it currently awaits approval and funding.”