Jeff Greene entered the Florida gubernatorial race relatively late, but he’s quickly tried to climb the ranks and stand out among four other candidates that have already been marketing themselves as they look to win the Democratic primaries.
Now, Greene is discussing the “green,” an issue that has grown mum as other issues have moved to the forefront in the political arena. His views on marijuana? Like the other Democratic candidates, Greene supports legalizing medicinal marijuana. However, he’s not entirely convinced on whether or not recreational marijuana should be legalized, and his concern regards the youth.In an interview with Truth or Dara, Green commented that children “grow up so quickly. When I think of recreational marijuana being legal, I just imagine my son in four or five years.”
He then went on to explain that “the biggest worry I have is, again, as a father with young children, and someone whose candidacy is largely based on kids and getting kids great educations and having equality of opportunity for all Floridians, and as someone who’s focused on kids. My view would be, let’s look at the states that have legalized recreational marijuana and let’s understand if there’s been an increase in consumption among young people. If there has, I have to say I definitely want to decriminalize it but I would not legalize it so fast.”
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Greene detailed that “If there has been no uptick in use whatsoever among young people, I’d say absolutely legalize it, regulate it. That way people who are using it know what they’re getting. Tax it, get some revenue, use the revenue from that to attack the real drug problem, which is the opioid crisis, which is epidemic in our state, in our country. It’s something I want to look at very intelligently, just like in education. I look at the states that have done a great job, like Massachusetts, New Jersey, and think, what can we learn from them here in Florida to make our education top five in the country?”