The U.S. Senate race between Gov Rick Scott (S) and Senator Bill Nelson (D) hasn’t even started yet, and already there is drama and division among Republicans.
You would think that Senator Marco Rubio would be all in to support Scott against the liberal Democrat Nelson, right?Well, think again.
Even though Nelson’s ideological and political views are the exact opposite of those Rubio holds, Rubio will not campaign against his senate friend and colleague.
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Rubio told reporters in Tallahassee that he and Nelson have had a “very good working relationship” over the years, but would support “the Republican nominee” in the race.
Interestingly enough, Rubio said that he “could not have a better partner” in the Senate than Nelson.Que? What? Huh?
Rubio said that he and Nelson have worked well together on healthcare reform, but how?
Rubio took the lead to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, while Nelson has given the “disastrous” law a full-throated endorsement and helped design the darn thing.
On just about every single issue that he supports, Rubio has seen his friend in the senate vote against him, and push the very same liberal agenda that has been used to campaign against the junior member of the U.S. Senate.
But have no fear. Rubio should come around, especially when Nelson begins to campaign on those very same issues that Rubio has always opposed and campaigned against.The 2016 presidential primary issue between Rubio and Scott may be taking a role today, but in the end, Rubio will most likely put that behind him and help push all Republican congressional candidates across the finish line.
Scott all-but endorsed now-President Trump over Rubio in the historic presidential contest, and many suspect that is the reason Rubio has taken this ‘neutral’ position in the race.
Remember, Nelson supports abortion, amnesty for illegal immigration, Obamacare, opposed the tax reform law, and supports a gun ban. Both Rubio and Scott do not.