The Democratic Party in Washington, D.C., led by “Schumer Democrats” have solidified their “obstructionist” label by voting down the latest Republican immigration reform bill to help DACA kids.
Senator Chuck Grassley (R) was the author of this bill that addressed border security, DACA, and the broader immigration reform issue.But while the bill paved a way for citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrant children and their parents, it wasn’t good enough for moderate Republicans and Sen. Schumer (D), who voted 39-60 against the bill.
“Today, the Schumer Democrats in the Senate demonstrated again that they are not serious about DACA, they are not serious about immigration reform, and they are not serious about homeland security.”-Sarah Sanders, White House Press Secretary
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The same day Schumer and friends voted against Grassley’s bill, another bipartisan immigration bill, this one with Schumer’s fingerprints all over it, failed to reach the needed (54-45) 60 votes for passage.
President Trump expressed his frustration towards “Schumer Democrats” by tweeting that the bill was nothing more than “a giant amnesty” measure that “doesn’t build the wall, expands chain migration,” and “keeps the visa lottery” intact.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R), one of the authors of the failed 2013 ‘Gang of 8” Senate immigration reform bill, voted against the Schumer-led measure, and supported the Grassley proposal.As expected, Democratic Bill Nelson (D) supported the “amnesty” bill and voted against Grassley’s bill.
The Schumer-Rounds-Collins immigration bill would be a total catastrophe. @DHSgov says it would be “the end of immigration enforcement in America.” It creates a giant amnesty (including for dangerous criminals), doesn’t build the wall, expands chain migration, keeps the visa…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2018
…lottery, continues deadly catch-and-release, and bars enforcement even for FUTURE illegal immigrants. Voting for this amendment would be a vote AGAINST law enforcement, and a vote FOR open borders. If Dems are actually serious about DACA, they should support the Grassley bill!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2018