The “Schumer Shutdown” is over after Democrats buckled under the pressure of enduring an nuclear option in the Senate that would have burned away any legislative leverage they might have on immigration reform or any other issue.
The idea is to address DACA before February 8, but President Donald is sounding a bit hesitant on whether a bipartisan deal on DACA will be struck by then. Democrats are shooting for the stars and want blanket amnesty for illegal immigrants, not just those 800,000 or so DACA kids.Republicans on the other hand are pressing the wall. Democrats seem to forget that many, many moons ago, both political parties came together and pass the Secure Fence Act of 2006.
Meanwhile, Trump appears to be pounding his chest over the beatdown Democrats just received.
Nobody knows for sure that the Republicans & Democrats will be able to reach a deal on DACA by February 8, but everyone will be trying….with a big additional focus put on Military Strength and Border Security. The Dems have just learned that a Shutdown is not the answer!
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