Florida Senator Bill Nelson (D) continues his almost daily social media blitz to try to counter the all-but certain behemoth senatorial challenge from Gov. Rick Scott that awaits him next year.
We have out lined how Sen. Nelson has been fundraising of anything that walks, including climate change and the recent natural disasters that have devastated Texas and Florida.Now the good senator has a Christmas message for Floridians. Nelson, who did not support the sweeping tax reform bill, points to the unfinished business still left to accomplish in the U.S. Congress.
Here is Nelson’s address to constituents:
Here we are at the end of the session and there is still a lot of things that Congress needs to do such as: funding CHIP, providing disaster relief to those impacted by hurricanes and protecting our Dreamers – just to name a few. pic.twitter.com/tUWUQrVpkc
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