With the fight of his senatorial life looking large over his head, Democratic U.S. Senator Bill Nelson continues pressing his fundraising efforts that he hopes will bear enough fruit to counter the mega-million, behemoth senate campaign challenge from Florida Governor Rick Scott, that he will surely face.
According to Nelson’s latest online fundraising ask, Gov. Scott has “signed a bill into law that allows any Florida resident” to object or defy the school curriculum that children are being taught.Of course Nelson made this about one of his party fallback issues, climate change. Nelson is not ashamed to use climate change for political expediency. Remember, back when Hurricane Irma ripped through Florida, it was Nelson who fundraised off the devastation.
As a result, so-called “hearing officers” now have the power to recommend that subjects such as climate change or other science-based facts be removed from our public school curriculum.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Here is an excerpt of the email Nelson’s campaign put out:
To me, this is the most egregious attack on science yet.
The evidence is clear: Climate change and sea-level rise are real threats to our state – but with President Trump pulling us out of the Paris climate agreement and Gov. Scott reportedly banning state employees from even using the term “climate change,” it’s more important than ever that we continue to unify.I’m going to do everything I can to slow the effects of climate change and protect our environment, but I want to know what you think:
Scott is expected to enter the race against Nelson in the early part of 2018.