Without question, one of the most disliked senator amongst his pears is the  abrasive, accused sexual assaulter, Sen. Al Franken (D).
Franken is drowning in sexual harassment allegations that have been levied against him by several women, including the now-infamous picture of him groping Actress Leeann Tweeden’s breasts while she slept aboard a military transport plane from the Middle East.While both Republicans and Democrats in the Senate have called for an ethics investigation into the embattled Franken, no one has yet to call for his resignation, until now.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R), who according to a senate source has never been all too fond of Franken, believes his colleague should resign from the Senate.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The things he’s already admitted to I find to be outrageous and offensive — and I do think on that alone he should consider resigning…”-Sen. Marco Rubio
During an interview with south Florida’s CBS affiliate, Rubio told Sunday morning host Jim Defede that Franken’s actions were nothing less than “outrageous and offensive,” but also added that if Alabama senate Republican nominee Roy Moore won his election, he would “find himself immediately in an ethics situation or some other hearing where perhaps even more will be revealed.”
“If he’s elected to the Senate…he will find himself immediately in an ethics situation or some other hearing where perhaps even more will be revealed,” Rubio said, adding “”[Franken]’s going to go through the same process…I think the accusations against him, including many of which he’s admitted, are horrifying.”