It seems that running for office nowadays is only for those who have deep, deep pockets of cash to spend.
First, it was Florida Governor Rick Scott in 2010, then was President Donald Trump last year, now it’s Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine, who all have, or are committed to spending their own fortunes to win public office.Enter John Ward.
Ward is a millionaire investor who has now decided to run for the congressional seat that Rep. Ron DeSantis will vacate when (if) he decides to run for governor in 2018.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“These guys are just not getting anything done up there. I used to think it was just Democrats, but it’s Republicans too…I don’t think they are trying to be as useless as they are, but I think they are too tied up in purist ideology to get deal done.”-John Ward (POLITICO)
Ward has put his money where his mouth is, injecting $1 million into his campaign in hopes to “ward-off” any potential Republican primary opponent in the R-leaning congressional seat.
A million dollars in this Republican-friendly district will go a long ways, just ask DeSantis, who only raised about a million in each of his first two winning congressional runs.