Oh boy. Senator Marco Rubio is pouring some well-deserved salt in the open wounds of Republican members of the U.S. Congress who campaigned on President Trump’s political agenda of repealing Obamacare, reforming the tax code, and securing our borders, but now “feel pressure” from the president for not living up to those campaign promises.
But while some members of Congress, including Senator John McCain (R), didn’t support President Trump during the 2016 election cycle, they sure did embrace his winning campaign message, and are now acting more than Democratic-lite obstructionists.McCain, as he recently showed the entire country, has acted like nothing more than an Democratic-lite obstructionist during the Obamacare repeal debate, and helped squash repealing and replacing the failing healthcare law.
Tax Reform is up next for the U.S. Congress and President Trump. If they manage to cut the IRS tax code across the board, retaining the Republican majorities in the Congress is all-but guaranteed.
.@potus pressuring Congress? #GOP campaigned on tax cuts,repeal #Obamacare & secure border. If u feel pressure then u didn't really mean it
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