Not only does Florida Governor Rick Scott know how to create jobs, he also knows how to speak fluent Espanol.
Actually, many of us have heard Scott speak Spanish, and while its not the prettiest site, he holds his own whenever he feels the need to lay down some Spanish lingo.By looking at his Twitter feed, Scott sounds as if Spanish was his first language with the way he rails against Venezuela’s oppressive Nicholas Maduro regime.
In one tweet, Scott says that the state of Florida is Venezuela, and will not tolerate this attack against its liberty and democracy
This one says that the power that has been directed by his friends in the Castro dictatorship.La Florida está del lado de la comunidad venezolana y no tolerará este nuevo ataque contra la libertad y la democracia. (3/3)
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.— Rick Scott (@SenRickScott) August 9, 2017
a las fuerzas dirigida por sus amingos de la dictadura castrista. 2/2
— Rick Scott (@ScottforFlorida) August 9, 2017
With this announcement, Nicholas Maduro has done nothing more than declare himself the chief of a brutal dictatorship.
Con este anuncio, Nicolás Maduro no ha hecho otra cosa que declararse el jefe de una dictadura brutal (1/3)
— Rick Scott (@SenRickScott) August 9, 2017
Scott is expected to announced his much-anticipated US Senate candidacy against Democratic Senator Bill Nelson after the 2018 legislative session.