Florida’s newest snake hunter has escaped the jaws of death, and returned victorious from a day-long Big Cypress Swamp excursion to kill him some invasive snakes.
Rep. Francis Rooney (R) took part in the South Florida Water Management District’s ‘Python Elimination Program’, where he managed to capture or kill five of these invasive Burmese pythons that have been threatening the natural ecosystem throughout the Everglades.
“My reason for hunting invasive Burmese pythons in the Everglades was to bring national attention to the damage caused by these devastating predators, which prey on native wildlife across South Florida. We all have a vested interest in restoring and protecting the Everglades and these invasive species are a serious problem…After last night, there are five less invasive pythons alive to menace the Everglades ecosystem. Killing off these pythons is important, but is only part of the solution to the ecosystem’s plight. I am working every day, all the time, to increase funding for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) and will continue to raise awareness every way possible, including hunting pythons, about the Everglades, our state and national environmental treasure.”– Rep. Francis Rooney, aka The Snake Hunter