As they struggle to rebrand themselves, Democrats are falling back on one issue that seems to work for them.
A recently released report by scientists from 13 government agencies states that Americans really are feeling the effects of “climate change.”The “global warming” or as it’s now called, “climate change” issue, is one that Democrats proudly hang their political hats on.
Why not? Supporting the notion that humans are to blame from the earth’s atmosphere warming appeases their voter base.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
While the Trump Administration contends that the human variable in the so-called climate change mix cannot be quantified, it hasn’t stopped Democratic leaders from agreeing with Chicken Little’s assessment that the “sky is falling.”
No, the sky isn’t really falling, but some alarmist will beg to differ that it isn’t.
Upon the release of the report, several members of Florida’s congressional delegation tweeted their thoughts on climate change.#Floridians know the impact of climate change – it's real & happening now. Hope @POTUS takes this report seriously
— Rep. Lois Frankel (@RepLoisFrankel) August 8, 2017
3) Study reports: ocean rise worldwide is "consequence of the warming of the planet caused by the human release of greenhouse gases"
— Rep. Ted Deutch (@RepTedDeutch) August 9, 2017
Here are a few words Trump won't say:
Climate change is real.Climate change is happening now.
We have an obligation to take action.
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) August 8, 2017