With a probably Republican gubernatorial primary race between Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam and House Speaker Richard Corcoran just around the corner, both men are reaching for those low-lying fruit issues that will surely place them in a favorable light amongst their Republican base of support.
Immigration reform and the ongoing struggle to rein in ‘sanctuary cities’ is a “yuge” deal among Americans, and one of those wedge issues that Democrats use to demonize Republicans with by casting them as anti-Hispanic for their opposition against illegal immigration.Corcoran recently sounded very Trump-like when he stated,”the idea that a city decides what laws it will follow and what laws it will ignore should offend every American,” adding that.” politicians who believe they are above the law by adopting ‘sanctuary’ policies are violating their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.”
But while Corcoran’s statement in opposition to ‘sanctuary cities’ sounds a bit tough,’ Commissioner Putnam took a softer tone in expressing his position against law-breaking politicians and cities.
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Putnam continued:
I think that its important that we not have sanctuary cities…Working with congress to get them to fix it, and have a workable solution, the bulk of that is a federal issue. As governor, its important that support law enforcement, support their efforts to enforce the law, and make sure the prison system can accommodate those who are violating the law.
Putnam is considered the frontrunner in the GOP race for governor, but Corcoran anti-big government stance could surprise many and peal away much of Putnam’s existing conservative base of support, if he officially jumps into the race.
Another potential Republican gubernatorial candidate is Rep. Ron DeSantis, who could be poised to stun everyone with his unabated conservative bona fides.
As a member of the House Freedom Caucus, DeSantis is Mr.Conservative in many circles.
Regardless of who wins their respected gubernatorial primary races, in the end, the political fight between Democrat-supported illegal immigration and GOP-supported pro-legal immigration will take place.