The Republican-led U.S. Senate is on the verge of voting on, and possibly passing the latest version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA)- the much-anticipated bill that was supposed to “repeal and replace” President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, aka, Obamacare.
While Senate Republicans Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, who opposed the first version of the health care bill, are now saying that they support the latest amendment bill, congressional Democrats are fighting tooth and nail against the Obama legacy destroying “Trumpcare” bill.The Democratic Party pushback against the Republican’s answer to Obamacare has been relentless, calling the measure as being nothing more than “cruel” and being a “nightmare for seniors.”
New Trumpcare. Same as the old Trumpcare. Now w/ “freedom” to buy junk plans that won’t help when you get sick.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.— Rep. Ted Deutch (@RepTedDeutch) July 13, 2017
With massive tax giveaways to the wealthy and deep cuts to Medicaid, #Trumpcare is a dream for billionaires and a nightmare for seniors.
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) July 6, 2017
To be fair, both Republicans and Democrats support a healthcare law that covers Americans who have pre-existing medical conditions. On a personal note, being that I am a walking orthopedic case and veteran of dozens of surgeries and fractured bones, not to mention being the reception of countless sutures and staples, I can tell you that it is imperative that a pre-existing measure be a staple of any health care bill.Under the ACA, Congress buys insurance on the ACA exchanges. Trumpcare is so cruel, GOP Senators are exempting themselves from it.
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) July 13, 2017
No one chooses to have a pre-existing condition, but Republican Senators think you should be discriminated against for having one anyway.
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) July 12, 2017
Unfortunately for Americans, the health care problem that has plagued the country stretches back over 50 years, was not going to be fixed by one stroke of President Obama’s pen, or anyone’s magical wand. The Affordable Care Act was not the solution the the decades-long health care problem.
Republicans and Democrats have failed the American public by not working together in years past to implement real “piece meal” solutions to a complex problem that cannot be fixed overnight.