Now that the 4th of July holiday has come to pass, Democrats and Republicans can now get back to their daily task of attacking each other over issues like healthcare and “American rights,”not gay rights.
Leading up to the mid-summer holiday, Democrats like Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz layed into Republican efforts to “repeal and replace” President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.The cruel #Trumpcare bill: Millions more Americans left w/o coverage, yet tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) July 3, 2017
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Fellow Florida Congressman Dennis Ross (R) holds tele-townhall meetings with constituents to keep them up to speed on what his office is doing.
Talking 2 @Gordon_W_Watts from Lakeland during my teletown hall meeting regarding affordable health care! Great call!
— Dennis Ross (@DennisRossSEU) June 28, 2017
President Trump’s recent non-sexist tweets against MSNBC TV Host Mike Brzezinski, giving House Democrats for fodder for their opposition against the Trump Administration.
.@realDonaldTrump is embarrassing our nation w/ his tweets & blatant sexism. What kind of example is he setting for our children?
— Rep. Lois Frankel (@RepLoisFrankel) June 29, 2017
It’s July 5th. Let the mudslinging begin…