Former Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is out pounding t his chest in victory over the recent perceived-scandals that have plagued the Trump administration.
The presidential primary slugfest, albeit one-sided, between then-candidate Donald Trump and Jeb Bush, was nothing less than legendary.Trump clearly won that contest, as he did with similar Twitter battles he had with other primary opponents.
There is still no love-lost between the two men, and now that a special prosecutor has been been tapped to head up the probe into whether or not Team Trump colluded with the Russian government in last year’s election, Bush is out telling Americans that he was right all along about now-President Trump.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“When I ran for office, I said he is a chaos candidate and would be a chaos president. Unfortunately, so far chaos organizes the presidency right now.”-Jeb Bush (CNN)
Bush aded that Trump was “living in the tyranny of the moment” and disagreed with the way the president was handling himself on social media.
While he would like Trump to “stop tweeting,” Bush should look to reign in some of his closest friends and media surrogates like Ana Navarro, whose at-times distracting and vulgar television persona, has cast a dark cloud over Bushland.Bush recently spoke to south Florida’s CBS affiliate WFOR reporter, Jim Defede, about Trump’s presidency, and left no doubt that he was still a bit bitter over losing to Trump.
While Bush stated that Trump has made some “really good appointments” and “acted in a good way” to lift peoples spirit on the economic front, the former governor of Florida believes that the president is nothing less than a “distraction in and of himself” and “should stop saying things that are not true and distracting.”