The current chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida, Bob White, has formally filed paperwork to run for governor in 2017.
Could White leave the GOP and run as the Libertarian candidate?Probably not, as White, who is a friend of mine, is a devout Republican.
In a statement, White expressed why he has decided to run for the top political job in the state.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“For the last eight years I’ve been going to Tallahassee during the legislative session to promote Liberty issues; limited government, personal freedom and free markets. I’ve seen the environment in Tallahassee change dramatically during that time. The people of Florida have lost their voice in the legislative process. It’s been drowned out by the dark money politics of the special interests and the politicians that are only too happy to play their game. The special interests have their champions in Tallahassee. Politicians line up to do their bidding in exchange for their six figure contributions. The people of Florida need a champion too! I will be their voice! I will be their champion!”