Florida has a lot of offices that have term limits and a lot of voters believe federal offices such as Congress and Senate should have term limits as well.
Corrine Brown (FL-D) spent twelve years in Congress even though Congressional terms are only two years. She might of been reelected again if she was not indicted on 24 felony counts of fraud and obstruction.Rep. Brown was also only one of five incumbent members of Congress both Democratic and Republican who lost a part primary contest in 2016. Two out of five defeated incumbents were indicted on a felony charge prior to their loss. U.S. Representative Chaka Fattan (PA-D) was the other member who was indicted.
The common argument is: the longer an elected official is in office the more likely they will start doing illegal or corrupt things. Some elected officials do not let the office get to their ego but a lot of them find it hard to do.
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Brown was recently found guilty of using a fake foundation to raise $800,000 for her own personal gain. As a Democrat she always stated she was for the poor and against the rich whereas she was enjoying a lavish lifestyle making more than $200,000 a year. Almost half of that income came from her “fake” charity she said was supposed to help needy children. Between the years of 2012 and 2016 she only gave two scholarship grants totaling $1,200 to the children. The fact she was greedy did not only prove she was a hypocrite, it also was a slap in the face to the donors and those less fortunate she was supposed to be helping.
The group U.S. Term Limits had the following to say:
Term limits would deprive Congress members of the decades in Washington they need to build power and monetize their offices. It would restore a citizen legislature where people come to Washington for a short time before returning to live as private citizens.
Even President Donald Trump stated during his campaign he would propose “a term-limit of six years for members of the House and twelve years for members of the Senate.”