The recent attack by a knife-wielding radical Islamist, who mowed down and killed 4 outside of Parliament in London, England, is somber reminder to the world that radical Islamic terrorism continues to plague our society.
Shortly after announcing his presidential bid in August of 2015. then-presidential candidate Donald Trump told the Shark Tank that he was in favor of using all methods of advanced interrogation to extract information from captured enemy combatants.Many Americans believe that these advanced interrogation techniques the military and intelligence community allegedly practice, are necessary in the ever evolving global war on terror.
One of those Americans who supports President Trump’s position on using these techniques, including waterboarding, is Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz (R)
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I agree with the President we ought to have every option on the table when it comes to advanced interrogation techniques.-Rep. Matt Gaetz
During an interview in his Washington, D.C. office with the Shark Tank, Rep. Gaetz expressed his concern over the increase in terrorist attacks carried out by “political Islam,” and what he believes is the greatest threat to America, North Korea.
Gaetz says that the “greatest threat to the homeland is North Korea” because the rogue nation has detached with China, adding that China was counted on reigning in their “odd stepbrother” by the U.S.Gaetz went on to say that the U.S. needs to develop a “cyber doctrine” to combat the growing threat cyber threat from nations like Russian, N. Korea, Iran and China.
In addition, Gaetz believes that the U.S. needs to be ready and willing to launch a preemptive attack against any and all threats to American assets around the world.
If someone launches a cyber attack against us, we ought to have mutually assured destruction associated with that. We need to be able to clarify that certain cyber attacks are acts of war.
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