President Donald Trump’s historic win over Hillary Clinton in the 2018 presidential election left many onlookers believing that a higher power played a hand in “delivering us from evil (another 4 years of ‘Hope and Change”).”
One of those who believe that God played a big part in Trump’s election night victory is Miami-Dade Republican Executive Committee Vice-Chairman Corey Breier.During a chairman’s forum conducted by businessman Jay Narang, president of the Southwest Broward Republican Organization, Breier made the remark that God had something to do with Trump winning.
We caught up to the fiery Breier, who by his own admission is Kosher (Oy Vey!) where he reiterated what he believed to be the reason why President Trump beat Clinton.
Breier was filling in for Miami-Dade GOP Chairman Nelson Diaz, who was in Tallahassee on business and could not attend Narang’s event.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.All I know is, that night when we went to the victory party, we hoped it would be a victory party. There were very few among us that really believed we’d win. Something happened, and the entire country, and the entire world, was shocked that Donald Trump was elected.
I believe it was something more, some type of divine intervention. And I am not a religious fanatic, I assure you. I just believe that God put his hand into this election.
As you can imagine, the crowd of 100+ in attendance was very pro-Trump, so every time Breier spoke, big cheers could be let out.
Is Breier angling to run for some elected office?