Speaker Richard Corcoran (R-Land of Lakes) and his band of political and fiscal “Matcheteros” in the Florida House are pressing forward with their efforts to scrap Visit Florida and Enterprise Florida by voting 10-5 to in favor of the move.
A bill sponsored by Rep. Paul Renner (R) to do away with Florida’s two chief business marketing entities, caused Governor Rick Scott to directly target Corcoran a fews days back, saying that the Speaker was only doing this out of political expediency.“It’s pretty clear. If you don’t care about people’s jobs you must be caring about something else.”-Gov Rick Scott
Corcoran responded to Scott’s jab against him:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“I think the Governor is a good man and a friend. However, we were elected to do what is right and clean up government, put an end to the waste of taxpayer money, and end the culture of corruption… “The Governor cannot be surprised that we will do the right thing regardless of the consequences. Whether it is Enterprise Florida, Visit Florida, or Obamacare expansion, we never question the Governor’s motives.”-TB Times
Corcoran is rumored to be mulling over a gubernatorial run in 2018, and recently had a meeting of the minds dinner in Tallahassee, fueling the speculation that a run for higher office is imminent.
While Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam is considered to be the favorite in the soon-to-be Republican gubernatorial primary race, Putnam’s moderate leanings, including his past support for “Cash for Clunkers” and the bail out of 2008, could turn out to be problematic with the “Make America Great Again” Republican electorate.Corcoran has been embraced by the Americans for Prosperity conservative grassroots voting bloc, and if he continues pushing back against establishment and government spending like he as been, there is a very good chance that Republican activists and the Trumpsters will back his gubernatorial candidacy.