For the third time in as many days, I have overheard twenty and thirtysomethings express their elation over being able to smoke marijuana legally in the state of Florida.
It’s not legal to smoke marijuana.As I was leaving the beach this weekend, a cloud of cannabis originating from three men loitering around the walkway under the highway, hit me square on in the face.
As I walked passed the three, I wouldn’t help but to give them a WTF look when I overheard one of them say that it was now legal to smoke marijuana.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Apparently these three misguided individuals, as well as the others I have encountered that think the same way, have been inhaling too much of that smelly plant.
It makes sense to me now.
I have noticed more and more people lighting up their weed sticks in public. Just the other night, someone lit up in a crowded bar I was in, and two others did the same at an outdoor restaurant just down the road from my house.It is obvious that these individuals are part of that uninformed (dumb) voting bloc that plagues us ever two year.
Again, marijuana has been approved for medicinal purposes, not for recreational smoking.
If you get caught smoking in public, police will detain you.
I don’t doubt that one day recreational use of marijuana will be mainstream.