President Trump’s pick for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, says that she is against “federalized Common Core” standards, but is she against state level education standards?
“This means letting states set their own high standards and finally putting an end to the federalized Common Core.”-Betsy DeVos, Trump Thank You tour in Michigan (2016)-TB Times
DeVos is from Michigan, so legislators and educators know her education bona fides very well. No one is arguing that she is a great proponent of school choice and school vouchers, just that she supports Common Core education standards.
Florida’s two US Senators, Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson will soon be tasked to vote against or in favor of DeVos nomination. Nelson says he is voting against her while Rubio, who has sounded support of DeVos in the past, hasn’t stated if he would side with Nelson, or not.
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With his own Senate reelection behind him, Rubio can comfortably vote in favor of DeVos without feeling any backlash from the anti-Common Core lobby in the state of Florida.
Many of these activists who supported Rubio’s 2016 reelection bid, also railed against former Florida Governor Jeb Bush during the 2016 Republican presidential primary race for his support and promotion of Common Core education standards.
Oh, did I forget to mention that Bush has praised and endorsed DeVos’ nomination?Bush was giddy over Trump’s pick of DeVos, saying that he was “so excited” about the nomination.
Why shouldn’t Bush be happy about DeVos’ nomination? After all, DeVos has been a board member of Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education.