The Shark Tank reached out to United for Care, the main organization behind making medical marijuana legal in the State of Florida. We wanted to find out exactly how and when patients would be able to get access to medical marijuana under the new law.
United for Care stated:The Florida Department of Health has 6 months from now to issue relevant regulations, and 9 months from now to begin issuing patient identification cards.
When asked if they thought the Republicans in Florida will drag their feet making medical marijuana available as they did in other states, United for Care stated:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We are fairly certain they will address these issues and others this session.
In addition they stated there are already medical marijuana dispensaries open in Florida but admitted there are many uncertainties until the dept. begins discussing and issuing regulations.
If you want to find a local dispensary in your area visit: Office of Compassionate Use