Donald Trump (R) held a rally in Miami today at the Bayfront Park Amphitheater with 6 days left till election day and the turnout was ‘Yuge’. Attorney General Pam Bondi and RNC chairman Reince Priebus were also in attendance and spoke to voters about reasons why Donald Trump should be elected like the state of the Supreme Court, but the crowd erupted in cheers when Trump went up to the stage sporting the infamous white Make America Great Again hat.
Throughout the speech, he mentioned issues involving immigration, foreign policy and the economy, and he spent a large portion of the speech highlighting the FBI investigating new emails relating to Hillary Clinton and the rising premiums of Obamacare. He also mentioned that he was confident that his campaign would be winning the State of Florida on November 8th.Ultimately, his message was that “Clinton wants us to think small, wants us to believe things can’t change and wants our lives to revolve around Washington D.C. I’m asking you to dream big, to Push for bold change and to believe in a movement powered by the people and by their love for this great country.
I’m tired of politicians telling Americans to defer their dreams to another day when they really mean another decade. America is tired of waiting. The moment is now. All we have to do is stop believing in our failed politicians and start believing in each other and in our country.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.There is no challenge too great, no dream outside of our reach. Don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be done. The future lies with the dreamers, not the cynics, not the critics. Certainly not the media.
Our movement represents all Americans from all backgrounds and all walks of life.
We are asking for the vote of every American who believes truth and justice not money and power should rule the day.We’re fighting for every citizen who believes that the government should serve the people, not the donors and not the special interests. We’re fighting to unlock the potential of every American community and every American family who hope and pray and yearn for a better future.”