The third and final debate has come and gone, absentee voting is underway and early voting in person begins today, so what are polls saying?
A Florida Chamber poll as reported by the Tampa Bay Times shows that Hillary Clinton is leading in Florida with 46-42 percent. A memo released from the poll details Trump struggling in Florida and Clinton leading Trump 60 to 33 percent in Miami. In addition, Clinton is leading Trump in West Palm Beach with 63 to 33 percent.It shows Clinton with a big lead in the Hispanic community with 59 to 28 percent, and it also shows Trump with a strong lead among white voters, which is 52 percent to 37 percent. In terms of genders, Hillary Clinton is leading among women with 51 percent to 39 percent and Donald Trump is leading among men with 46 percent to 40 percent.
A CBS poll shows Clinton leading Trump in Florida with 46 to 43 percent.
The CBS poll also shows that Florida voters aren’t persuaded yet by her arguments to fix the economy or that she understands regular people, and only 37 percent feel that she has properly explained her email controversy. Also, 53 percent of voters see Hillary as a risky choice while 66 percent of voters see Donald Trump as a risky choice.Latest CBS battleground poll show Trump and Clinton a mere 3 points away in two states
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It’s still too close to call who’ll take the 29 electoral college points on November 8th, and it’s also interesting to note that this hasn’t affected the current Florida senate race between Marco Rubio and Patrick Murphy where Rubio is winning with 46.2 percent to Murphy’s 42.8 percent.