During yet another update press conference about the ongoing efforts to eradicate the Zika virus in the United States, especially in Florida, Senator Marco Rubio (R) stood with local, state, and federal officials to update reporters on the progress that has been made.
Rubio and Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R) played off one another, both arguing that the Zika virus problem is a much larger issue that an what most people think. Rubio said that the virus was not only a “healthcare crisis, but an economic crisis.”Rubio then divulged that he and Curbelo were “working on an idea that the Small Business Administration is supportive of,” that would aid small business affected by “healthcare disasters” like the current Zika virus outbreak.
Curbelo confirmed to the Shark Tank that the two men were indeed working on bill to help small business that are economically affected by Zika virus-like outbreaks bounce back.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Congressman Curbelo and I are working on an idea that the Small Business Administration is supportive of, and that is the small business loans that are available after a natural disaster, we want to also make them available after a healthcare disaster like the kind that we are seeing now, so that a small business that has been negatively impacted by an outbreak or something like Zika, could apply for short-term, low interest small business loans to allow them to weather that storm and get past that point .”-Sen. Marco Rubio (R)