Two of the four employees who were fired last week by the Public Defender’s office may soon have a new job working for State Attorney Angela Corey.
Currently Joe Frasier and Angela Fouraker are going through the hiring process at the 4th Judicial Circuit Attorney’s Office as reported by News4Jax.The Public Defender’s Office had fired four employees on Wednesday, one day after retired judge Charlie Cofer defeated Public Defender Matt Shirk in the Republican primary in the 4th Judicial Circuit.
Shirk released the following statement about the incident:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.It is the policy of the Public Defender’s Office not to comment on personnel matters. In light of the specific accusation being alleged by former disgruntled employees our office will only add that employee retention is based on professional performance and standard best business practices. The high bar for excellence that is expected of all employees of the Public Defender’s Office remains the same as when I set it upon taking office in 2009.
Cofer defeated Shirk by a large margin of 75 to 25 percent in the circuit which includes Clay, Duval and Nassau counties. He now faces a write-in candidate.
Shirk will serve out his term through the beginning of January 2017.Corey was defeated by Melissa Nelson 64 to 26 percent in the primary.