Since then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump first entered the race for president, all the talk about immigration has been of building a wall along the U.S. southern border with Mexico.
While a wall is needed to help keep crime and illegal aliens from entering the country, what do we do with all of those illegal immigrants who enter the U.S. legally, but then become illegal after they overstay their visas?Yes, 40% of illegal immigrants are here because they overstayed their visas. While no one has really put forth a viable solution to this problem, one idea that actually makes sense is now being thrown around.
What if those entering the U.S. legally on a temporary visa pay a small bond during the application process that would help ensure they return to their countries when their visas expire?
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The bond would work in the same way that a criminal get-out-of-jail bound does. Sounds pretty harsh, and some will contend it could make immigrants feel like criminals, but the system works.
When someone is bailed out of jail, they agree to pay whatever amount the court requires of them and they agree to appear to all of their subsequent court dates. If they fail to appear to any of their mandatory court dates, the bail bondsmen who initially bailed them out of jail, will then be obligated to search and attempt to capture the fugitive.
Once captured by a bail bondsman, that persons bail is revoked and they must sit in jail until their case is settled.Take the poll. Should a bail system be implemented to help control immigration reform?