Part two of CBS 4’s scathing “The Making of Patrick Murphy” investigative report, reporter Jim Defede uncovered that the oil skimming vessels Murphy’s Coastal Environmental Services company purchased and stated were “tested and proven” by National Oil Spill Response Research and Renewable Energy Test Facility (OHMSETT), were tested five years before Murphy was even born.
As proof of their claims, the company has repeatedly cited the results from a private testing facility. “The NSRRV was tested and proven at the National Oil Spill Response Research and Renewable Energy Test Facility (OHMSETT), which provides independent and objective performance testing of full-scale oil response equipment,” one press release stated.A brochure includes a chart showing the boat’s effectiveness, with the heading, “Results as tested at OHMSETT.”
There is no doubt that OHMSETT, located on a U.S. Naval base near Sandy Hook, New Jersey, and financed by the U.S. Department of the Interior, is the pre-eminent testing facility in the country for cleaning up oil.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.OHMSETT officials, however, say they have no record of testing Murphy’s NSRRV. Dave Devitis, who has worked at OHMSETT for 24 years and been the Director of Testing for the last fifteen, told CBS4 News he did not recall testing that boat, even though he is involved in almost all of the tests conducted on the site.
As proof of their claims, the company has repeatedly cited the results from a private testing facility. “The NSRRV was tested and proven at the National Oil Spill Response Research and Renewable Energy Test Facility (OHMSETT), which provides independent and objective performance testing of full-scale oil response equipment,” one press release stated.-CBS 4
Murphy’s campaign responded:
“Patrick worked with a shipyard to put an innovative skimming vessel into use, improving it for use in the Florida Keys. The shipyard guaranteed that the oil cleanup technology had been thoroughly tested. The results of these tests were reflected in Coastal Environmental Service’s marketing materials.”
Meanwhile, Murphy’s campaign is still spinning the first part of the investigation that questions his small business experience and his past work as a CPA.
Murphy will most likely face incumbent Republican Senator Marco Rubio, but both men first need to get past their respective primary races.
You can read more about these allegations here.