Charlie Crist is running for the U.S. Congress, and is pulling out all the stops to win his race against incumbent Congressman David Jolly (R).
Crist has just been endorsed by his “Big Hug” amigo, President Barack Obama.Remember this hug back in 2009? This was the hug that then-senate candidate Marco Rubio used to skewer him over his support of the failed Stimulus Act of 2009.
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Now Crist is pushing another picture of the two friends hugging it out. This picture was taken back in 2014 when Crist ran for governor of Florida and lost to Gov. Rick Scott.
Here is what President Obama said about Crist. Crist posted the picture and statement on his website.

Governor Charlie Crist has always put people above politics – and we need more of that in Washington,” said President Obama. “As Governor, in the face of partisan attacks, he had the courage to save jobs and lead his state into economic recovery. He had the wisdom to recognize that climate change is real and act to fight it. And he had the decency to expand, not restrict, our right to vote. I know he’ll bring the people’s voice to Congress, and I’ve got his back.”
Let’s dissect this endorsement, and state what Obama probably should have said instead.
“Governor Charlie Crist has always put people above politics – and we need more of that in Washington.”
Like me, Governor Charlie Crist has always himself over everyone and anything in politics – and we need more of that in Washington because this place is full of narcissists like us.”
“As Governor, in the face of partisan attacks, he had the courage to save jobs and lead his state into economic recovery.”
As Governor, Crist had the courage and stones of backing my failed Stimulus Act, and when he left office, Florida was facing almost insurmountable job losses.”
“He had the wisdom to recognize that climate change is real and act to fight it.”
Like Chicken Little and myself, he had the wisdom to recognize that climate change is real and act to fight it, even though we all know its all hocus pocus.”
Crist will have a tough road to victory now that Rep. Jolly is challenging him. Expect these pictures of Charlie and Obama hugging to make the rounds around the state.
Floridians do not like Crist all that much.