Even though most conservatives like myself do not agree with his liberal ideological views, Democratic Senator Bill Nelson needs to be praised for the new bill he introduced in the Senate that would ensure “anyone who is – or has been – investigated for possible ties to terrorism gets entered into a database that would alert gun shop owners and the FBI.”
I don’t see how this measure would hamper anyone’s 2nd Amendment rights.Orlando shooter Omar Mateen was interviewed by the FBI on three separate occasions for possible terrorism ties, but was later able to legally buy the firearms he used to kill 49 and wound 53 others.
Nelson’s bill would place names in the Criminal Background Check System, which gun shop owners use to run background checks on prospective gun buyers. The FBI would be automatically notified once a background check is started.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“We’re not saying: don’t sell guns to someone just because they were investigated,” Nelson said. “But having a system in place that alerts the FBI if someone they once investigated is suddenly trying to purchase multiple assault weapons is just common sense.”-TB Times