Things continue to spicen up (it’s about time) in Florida U.S. Senate race to replace outgoing Senator Marco Rubio.
We all know about the ongoing drama and smackdowns being levied by the Democrats, Reps. “Angry Alan” Grayson and Patrick Murphy in their respective primary race.But not wanting to be left out of all the political fun and games, the five virtual unknown Republican senatorial candidates are doing their best to outshine their counterparts over on the left.
Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera has just released a video dinging is senatorial opponent, Rep. David Jolly, for voting against another investigation into Planned Parenthood.
Jolly responded by reiterating that he opposed the investigation because there were three other similar investigation into the group already in the works.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Promising to fight Planned Parenthood, he was the only Republican who voted to end the investigation into their selling of fetal baby parts. Major folly by David Jolly.” -CLC video
“When my side of the aisle asked for an investigation of Planned Parenthood, I actually voted no. I was the only Republican to vote no,” Jolly said at a Senate forum last month. “Should the issue be looked at? Yes. But there were already three committees looking at the issue. We didn’t need a fourth. We’re either going to be the party of less government or not.”-POLITICO
And then there is the Jolly knock on Lopez-Cantera:
“Leave it to Carlos to want to spend millions of your taxpayer dollars on a fourth committee to investigate a matter that is already under investigation by three others…don’t worry, he swears he’s a fiscal conservative.” -Max Goodman, Jolly’s campaign manager
Meanwhile, Lopez-Cantera has all been endorsed by Senator Marco Rubio, but like the other candidates in the race, is still struggling to make his name a household one in Florida.