We have all heard that disparaging “troll” term used to describe individuals who seem to hound or annoy others on Twitter or other social media platform, right?
Well, conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh has just called out Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, as being an “internet troll.”“American politics is determined by trolls on the Internet today. It may be is not determined, but internet trolls have a lot of say about what people are thought of…“Well, Trump is an Internet troll…With all of his tweeting. Trump is one of those guys. Trump has brought the Internet troll to the campaign.”
Limbaugh made the remarks while explaining how “The Donald” has been the “Teflon Don” when it came to receiving criticism for some, if not all, of the over-the-top statements he has made since entering the race last year.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Now, there’s a negative connotation to Internet trolls, but at the same time this is becoming mainstream… “This kind of speech pattern, the way people speak, this is common on the internet. This is the kind of stuff that people say every day, everywhere, on the internet multiple times a day, and nothing happens to them.”