State workers in Tallahassee are claiming the building they work in is making them ill.
The lawsuit against the property manager is getting bigger. Sixty-four more people allege that the Northwood Centre is making them sick. The additional people brings the number of plaintiff’s up to almost 90.Some state employees who work for various state agencies are saying that mold and animal feces contributed to poor air quality and health issues.
State Representative Alan Williams toured the building last week and this is what he had to say:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Issues that they were having that they though we just normal routine health issues may have been the case of the buildings they were working at the past couple of years.
Williams also said this is a wake-up call for how the state treats its rented properties all over Florida.
I think this is further reasoning that we should look at the properties we already own, or properties that we could possibly purchase, so we are not only the landlord but we are also the managing company, and we’re going to make sure our employees are in the best possible working condition.