The new abortion bill in Florida is waiting for Governor Scott to sign it but Planned Parenthood is calling for it to be vetoed.
This move does not come as much of a surprise because the bill calls for increased clinic regulations and barring of public funds to organizations associated with abortion clinics, such as Planned Parenthood.On Thursday, opponents delivered more than 12,000 petitions to Governors Scott’s office. Scott must take action on the bill by March 26, according to the governor’s office website.
Regina Sheridan, a Planned Parenthood volunteer who helped deliver the petitions said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I am worried about the future of women. I have heard many stories of women that I have spoken to who lived before Roe v. Wade, and had to live in a world where abortion was not legal. They had friends and family members who died in back-alley abortions.
Pam Olsen of the International House of Prayer is a supporter of the bill and she has no doubt Governor Scott will sign it. She said:
I fully expect him to sign this bill, for the sake of women in the State of Florida that they will be protected. They will have the right to safe health in the state of Florida. Planned Parenthood should absolutely be defunded, just like many other states have done recently.