Ohio Governor John Kasich and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders are off to a good start as the first-in-the-nation primaries get underway in New Hampshire.
When the clock struck midnight, voting began in three tiny towns in New Hampshire including Dixville Notch, whose residents have a pretty good reputation for picking the eventual party nominees. The two other towns participating in midnight voting are Millsfield and Hart’s location. Anyone who casts their vote at midnight is dedicated.In Tuesday’s midnight vote, nine people showed up probably with coffee in hand. Out of those nine people Kasich won with three of their votes. Donald Trump only received two votes.
After the win in Dixville Notch, Kasich tweeted that he has “early momentum” and urged voters to “keep it going.”
Early momentum as @JohnKasich wins GOP vote in Dixville Notch! Let’s keep it going, New Hampshire. pic.twitter.com/CtXnCn9c4Z
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On the Democratic side, Sanders swept the field. He took all four votes away from Hillary Clinton. It marked the second New Hampshire primary in a row that Clinton was swept in Dixville.
Even though the town’s record in predicting the primary winners is a little shaky, its residents have predicated the eventual Republican nominee in every election since the 1960’s.In Millsfield, Ted Cruz won and Donald Trump got second place. Clinton beat Sanders two to one.
In Hart’s Location, Kasich won again beating second place Trump five votes to four. Sanders beat Clinton 12-5.