U.S. Senate candidate, Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), has joined fellow senatorial candidate, Florida Lieutenant Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera, in signing a pledge supporting term limits for federally elected officials
“We applaud both candidates for having the courage to make term limits a top priority of their campaigns. It is important that we have people in the Senate who are willing to uphold the principles of a citizen legislature and rotation in office as laid out by our founding fathers.”-Philip Blumel, USTL President
Both “CLC” and DeSantis believe that (3) House terms and (2) Senate terms are enough time for any elected politico to hold office in Washington, D.C.
Businessman and former U.S. Army Green Beret, Todd Wilcox (pictured), hasn’t signed the pledge, but according to his campaign spokesman Brian Hughes, Wilcox supports term limits of 12-years for both members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
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Wilcox goes a bit further, saying that he supports abolishing congressional pensions, and banning former members of Congress from becoming lobbyists once they leave Washington, D.C.
Rep. David Jolly (R), who is currently considered at the frontrunner in the race, also supports term limits.
Jolly’s campaign spokeswoman, Sarah Bascom, send over this remark:Rep. Jolly supports both of them limiting their terms, yes. However, based on their polling numbers, I don’t think we will have to worry about that.