As the race tightens in the Republican primary, the momentum for Senator Ted Cruz increases in South Florida.
Just last month, Marco Rubi0’s very own Miami-Dade County Republican Party cast a dark shadow over the group when they censured its vice chairman for personally endorsing Ted Cruz.In what seems to be coming down to a two man race in the Republican Presidential primary, former key Bush and Rubio supporters, as well as Independents in South Florida are rallying behind Ted Cruz for President.
Former South Florida Commissioner on the Status of Women, Lourdes Castillo de La Pena, stated:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Senator Ted Cruz is the right man at this time to bring America back to her Founding Principles and put the United States back on track. He is the most qualified candidate, will stand firm on the issues in the Republican Party’s mission and win us back the White House. Cruz’s credentials and temperament are stellar.
I trust Senator Ted Cruz as Commander in Chief to lead the United State’s National Security during a critical time in our nation’s history. He will defend American interests, protect our national sovereignty, and guard the liberties enumerated and enshrined in the Constitution for all Americans, most importantly, the next generation. This platform would be the hallmark of a Cruz Presidency, his record is consistent, and I am eager to support that.”