We have reported before red light cameras are not good for Florida and provided data as to why. Now, this study further confirms our claims and our elected officials need to remove them to not only keep us safe but to stop using them simply to bring in revenue for the municipalities.
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles issued their annual report summarizing the camera activity. The report says since the cameras have been active, there has be a 14.65% increase in total crashes in comparison to before they were installed.That’s right. . . the camera’s that were installed to prevent crashes are actually causing more crashes.
In Jacksonville, the State found a 2.24% increase in the number of crashes. Rear end collisions increased 7.36% and angle crashes increased 35.66%. The only good news for Jacksonville in that study was that injury accidents at red light intersections were down but that was not the case for the rest of the state. Minor injury crashes has a small increase whereas “incapacitating” injury crashes were up 29.31%.
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Also according to the report, Jacksonville issued 34,503 notices of violations to people who got caught by a red light camera. Green Cove Springs issued 6,696 violations and Orange Park issued 6,454 violations.
The only items missing from the study were if red light cameras are accurately catching people or are they also taking pictures of people who are allowed to turn on red and there was no account of how much revenue the cameras are bringing in for the municipalities. Those two items should be addressed.