Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) who is running for the U.S. Senate in 2016, has just put forth legislation to prevent members of Congress from personally soliciting campaign dollars from individuals.
The “no mas dinero” legislation Jolly has penned is called the “The Stop Act.”“We can’t have a part-time Congress in a full-time world…Americans wonder why we haven’t defeated ISIS, secured our border, provided health care for veterans, or reduced the national debt. Here’s why. Too many in Congress are more focused on raising money than solving the problems people elected them to fix.”-Rep. David Jolly
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This will not sit will with many of colleagues, as “dialing for dollars” is the life-line of every single congressional campaign.
Money makes the world go round, especially in the U.S. Congress
“It’s time members of Congress stop asking people for money and start doing their jobs. Let’s close the integrity gap and the performance gap of our elected officials by eliminating their fundraising solicitations and put them back to work.”
Jolly has a point here, as members of Congress do in fact spend many hours calling individual supporters to ask for campaign contributions.
Jolly’s bill most likely be voted down, but you have to give him credit for pushing this issue.