During a town hall on Wednesday night Jeb Bush was asked why he thought Donald Trump was a jerk.
Audience member Tom Emanuel said:I’m leaning toward Donald Trump and I was just wondering, why do you think he’s a jerk?
As reported by CNN, Some of the Bush-friendly attendants booed at his question but Bush responded:
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In the last couple of weeks Bush has ramped up his attacks against Trump in hopes of being the candidate who will lead an anti-Trump coalition of voters and rise in the polls. Trump in turn has continued to fight back and trash Bush on Twitter and on the campaign trail. He criticizes his energy and his intelligence.
Bush had the following to say about why he believes Trump is a jerk:He maybe exaggerates his success a bit, and all that, but it’s good, it’s a healthy thing. It’s an American thing to be successful and proud.
Bush sad he appreciates Trump’s politically incorrect style “to a limit”:
We’re way too uptight, and there is no leeway anymore about expressing your views. And while he’s exaggerated in this — way over the top exaggerated — the fact that he has made a contribution to kind of loosen things up a little bit, I think that’s good.
But… Bush said he’s troubled by a lot of things Trump has said:
When anybody, anybody, disparages people with disabilities, it sets me off. That’s why I called him a jerk, because he disparaged a person who he knew had a disability and made fun of him. What kind of person would you want to have in the presidency that does that? Do you want a president that disparages women, Muslims of all kinds, people with disabilities, Hispanics?
Bush said that was 90 percent of the population. He also said leadership requires:
someone who has a completely different approach, someone who has a servant’s heart, someone who doesn’t think it’s about them, someone who has a proven record, someone who knows what he doesn’t know.
So there you have it, that is why Jeb Bush thinks Donald Trump is a jerk.