Back in March ISIS released a hit list of cities they plan on attacking. The cities in Florida that were included were: Middleburg, St. Augustine, Merritt Island and Palm Coast.
Action News Jax reported St. John’s County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Chuck Mulligan said:What I can tell you (is) St. Augustine is a historic city. There are articles and items in St. Johns county that may make it a target to some degree.
In response to St. Augustine being on the list, Mulligan said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.That’s not shocking. We’ve known for a long time. I’ve spent time on the regional domestic security task force, and we spent time assessing each community in Florida.
The “kill list” indicated ISIS is urging its members in the U.S. to kill service members whose names and addresses were posted on a website.
It is acknowledged containing ISIS in the United States has been a challenge. Former FBI agent, Dale Carson told Action News Jax:most of law enforcement is driven by human intelligence — people picking up the phone and calling and saying, ‘This is going on, I want you to be aware of it.’ (In) the event that we don’t do that, we really prevent us from being as secure as we otherwise could be.